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The Birth Chart is an Invitation to Good Order

 Birth Chart



is an invitation to become less divided by embracing good order

.The word “cosmos” comes from the Greek word “κÏŒσμος” (kosmos), which originally meant “order” or “good order.

Nature's Zodiac

Did Albert Einstein sense an invitation to habitualize searching (Moon in Sagittarius) and put energetic effort into thought (Mercury in Aries conjunct Saturn)?


Did Jane Austen sense an invitation to lead a writers life of romantic contemplation (Neptune in Virgo on ASC) and go deeper into the psyche of her romantic characters (Venus in Scorpio)?

Did Michael Jordan sense an invitation to strive for the spirit of perfection (Jupiter in Pisces on MC) while modeling mastery to others (Venus in Capricorn on the DC)?

Floral Card

 Nature Readings

Invite you to contemplate a good order for yourself. The birth chart is to be tried on, like an outfit that ideally not only fits but succeeds in elevating your energy field

Pink Lake Kimono

Ready to Discover Your Good Order?

What does your birth chart invite?

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